Monday, November 26, 2007


have been in the library since 3pm, and all i have done is to.. plan essay. oh but got nice interlude of siyou's impromptu birthday dinner (with koreans! orz) (orz is a picture of a man bowing. so korean right. i love it. somin teach one.) at vietnamese restaurant in, where else, main street. (gah. back to the doldrums.)

so, siyou spent her birthday with me somin nate sue eric and jongmin. bought an icecream pie and we consumed it in... SCIENCE LIBRARY. win. azns... win.

and also got interlude of romanian curses. one curse in romania, i kid you not, literally translates to: slide on ice to your midwife! i love the specificity la. midwife all evil one leh.

ok now must go finish essay on duplicity in nabokov's novel.
as eric says: wo de nao hen huai. (my brain very bad.)

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