caught up with friends, old, new, random and evergreen. eaten everything i have been craving for, and have found even more things to crave when i'm gone. marveled at the wonders of public transport. found new corners of singapore that i have never been to before. IS GUHD STUFF.
today, i met nat again for the gabazillionth time and we concluded we are disgusting lovers, and that it is difficult to find things to do on a friday night as two single girls together. also, she brought me to eat malay food at the railway station. inn't that sumthin?! lunch was beef noodles at golden mile, and chinchow in glass bowls cos andrew says that the glass makes it all taste better.
wed went to mambo, which was again, an eventful night. it will take some time and new shoes before i set foot into that place again. i was verily my parents' daughter that night, donning mother-of-pearl pearls of mother and father's ubiquitous goldlion belt. the best part of the night was pre-gaming and photo-whoring before everything went curly, and eating beehoon goreng at nopokitellyou roti prata stall after the curliness at an ungodly hour in the unlikely company of christine abel and er, eddie.
ok and now i retreat to watch the beauty that is ryo nishikido. look at this, WHY GOT SUCH MEN WITH WHOM I AM NOT ACQUAINTED. the heart aches.
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