so i left diana's house in the morning (like secret lover) and found my way to astor place all the way from flushing! then met james and led him around soho heehee my sense of direction is not as wack as i thought it was. we had lunch at some small diner which served blardy nice paninis (i had a pork one, of course) then walked around summore. i love walking around new york! we were standing at a roadside vendor haggling for fake dior bag when suddenly someone freaking tried to grab my bag away from me and i almost ALMOST panicked and shat my pants when i realised it was bloody nate. DAMN SCARY OK OMG. anyway. walked around summore, though it is difficult to shop with two whiny boys. and in the evening, i led them to taisho (rachel you must go there, must) at astor place where we had this bad boy:

ramen with pork and spicy cod roe. i think my tongue grew a face and smiled. ok that image damn scary YUCKS i want to scratch my tongue omg. ok shall shut up.

happy ramen eating wesleyan students. (that, above, is probably my best angle.)
today woke up obscenely late, went to gym, met shuwei who very kindly invited me to pyungah's birthday dinner at japanese restaurant with whole bunch of korean/japanese seniors 0.o. was nice though, i talked to tachi who is damn damn cute! (ok if any wesleyan students reading this i die HARHARHAR.) like 10 yr old boy liddat nyeheheh. after that, went to bar where i got in on shuwei's passport. is good to be an azn man, angmohs all cannot tell difference one. drank, shouted a bit, resisted eric's attempts to drag me to his room to watch korean dramas, and am now here. an unexpectedly nice day!
and tomorrow is when i go to azn supermarket to BUY MILO AND ORGANICS SHAMPOO WHOO.
omg just saw pictures of hallmate's spring break and (this is going to get un-PC so shall speak in code) got one picture of bai4 moses de ren2 mooning the camera. AND HOR, THE ASSCRACK IS HAIRY ONE LEH. OMGOMGOMGOMG CAN VOMIT AND DIE AND PASS OUT. wah lau eh sibeh tahan. why got hair there one............???????? this is why i love belonging to race of hairless huang2 se4 rens2.
on another note, have been listening nonstop to 50 first dates soundtrack, to remind me of beach days. it makes me feel very very happy in this shitty new england weather.
So, please listen to Amber by 311, Hold Me Now by Wayne Wonder, and Friday I'm In Love by Dryden Mitchell. is like chicken soup for the soaked soul.
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