this summer has been so awesome without me trying to make it so. ergo, i will never get one so simple and happy and good, ever again.
oh dear.
today was a nice last day to have at home, with suitable amounts of comfortable companionship and an unexpected, but very pleasant jolt of new company. so the day started when i dragged my ass out of bed to meet felicia in orchard where we went to macs to beg for leftover breakfast mcgriddles. we succeeded. i then proceeded to break her camera, because i seem to be afflicted by bodily protrusions that prove to be so calamitous for me. aka, very flail-ly limbs. and then she went to meet her trio of japanese minions, and i tagged along shamelessly. so i met yuya and sekki, two very interesting japanese young male specimens. brought them for far east chicken rice (which they tried to eat with chopsticks! !!!) amidst very stilted but entertaining exchanges, amazed them with the colour and variety of agar-agar at the fruit store (sekki: they are the colour of... danger!) and then left them to meet christine, but not before the two boys quietly gave us little gifts of food.
me and christine then spent a nice 2 hours talking and eating and walking and eating and talking, in that order. it was very nice :) i love talking. and eating. not so much walking, though.
and then christine had to answer the call of academia and after shamelessly meeting felicia and the minions again, headed on down to simei for some grocery shopping for the japanese curry feast at naomin's house. me nat sk naomin fought about knives and mushrooms and potatoes, but the food got cooked and we had a very nice homely dinner. after which naomin the sexy drove us back to my place and we... ate again. talked about everything from 'are you smarter than a 5th grader' to death to tongues to introverts vs extroverts to ghosts to mothers. a... good night, i must say. a very good night.
and now i go to sleep cos i must waketh in 5 hours. oh the humanity.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
laife :) and happy birthday xtine!!!!
just came back from a warm and happy surprise birthday lunch and PS dempsey for christine, with another motley crew: me rachel joy yiming andre racheltan luke dwayne simon fabien and er, keith han. hahaha. is insane, this recent spate of motley crew-ness. but nice and comfortable and fun, unlike the forced, unnatural and painfully awkward group torture activities i was subjected to at uni. i think the presence of singlish adds muchly to the immediate comfort and assimilation. and the fact that there's nary a degree of separation between us. HIYAH WHY SO SHIOK ONE. SINGAPORE ROCKS LA.
ok that's all. the heartwarm-ness induced this sudden blog post. aaaaand... bye!
ps. don't wanna go to sch leh.
ok that's all. the heartwarm-ness induced this sudden blog post. aaaaand... bye!
ps. don't wanna go to sch leh.
Friday, August 22, 2008
blahblahblah & etc
i think i have gotten used to being a nomad. shuttling between two places for the most part of the year, trying to create a new life there while attempting to maintain and varnish the one at home isn't as trying or difficult as i imagined it to be. or maybe i just have this dubious ability of being able to severe ties and forget people and things i love. whatever it is, the idea of the impending year without the safety net of the knowledge that i'll see my home, my family and my friends, again leaves me surprisingly accepting and inert. i am perhaps making too big a deal of what is mere routine for the majority of my foreignly-schooled peers, but to my over-hyped and annoyingly aware brain, once again i find myself wishing for that little extra depth of emotion and irrational yearning for my life here.
that is not to say however, that i will not miss you all (you know who you are) like a fat bitch after i'm gone. my heart just doesn't know it yet.
aaaaaaand... now on to the recounts!
on tues i ran 5k. woo. was too tired to do anything else in the afternoon so i just dragged my lardass out in the evening to meet jas and char at bugis. brought them to eat ayam penek. got lost, but was worth it. spent a nice long 2 hrs or so bemoaning, and laughing bitterly, at life. very healthy. after that met luke keith sarah and later siyou at haji lane for some shisha at a very dubious establishment. after that couldn't bear to leave siyou so we had bean curd in another dubious establishment in little india. a very exotic night la.
the beginning of wednesday was spent the way a sloth would. that is to say, i oozed around my house until naomin came in the evening, and went for run. 6k now. go me! after that nat came over and we had our long-awaited, annual popiah party. ate until shat. ok not that gross sorry. but ate A LOT. CHICKEN WINGS GALORE. SHIOK. talked about life and crap and everything in between and missed sk and was generally very happy and hazy.
thurs i trekked all the way to the rural rolling hills of NUS to meet the motley crew of karen nat naomin and felicia. julia even made a surprise appearance. i marveled at the relative... uniqueness of the school and its attendant specimens. singapore fashion rOxXxX, i must say.
and today, i leave the haven of my house for the delightful lights and noise of the fireworks festival with christine and joy, then the scary lights and noise of zouk to see my moh-dell friends strut their stuff, then perhaps some cooling jazz will deign to be part of the night.
that is not to say however, that i will not miss you all (you know who you are) like a fat bitch after i'm gone. my heart just doesn't know it yet.
aaaaaaand... now on to the recounts!
on tues i ran 5k. woo. was too tired to do anything else in the afternoon so i just dragged my lardass out in the evening to meet jas and char at bugis. brought them to eat ayam penek. got lost, but was worth it. spent a nice long 2 hrs or so bemoaning, and laughing bitterly, at life. very healthy. after that met luke keith sarah and later siyou at haji lane for some shisha at a very dubious establishment. after that couldn't bear to leave siyou so we had bean curd in another dubious establishment in little india. a very exotic night la.
the beginning of wednesday was spent the way a sloth would. that is to say, i oozed around my house until naomin came in the evening, and went for run. 6k now. go me! after that nat came over and we had our long-awaited, annual popiah party. ate until shat. ok not that gross sorry. but ate A LOT. CHICKEN WINGS GALORE. SHIOK. talked about life and crap and everything in between and missed sk and was generally very happy and hazy.
thurs i trekked all the way to the rural rolling hills of NUS to meet the motley crew of karen nat naomin and felicia. julia even made a surprise appearance. i marveled at the relative... uniqueness of the school and its attendant specimens. singapore fashion rOxXxX, i must say.
and today, i leave the haven of my house for the delightful lights and noise of the fireworks festival with christine and joy, then the scary lights and noise of zouk to see my moh-dell friends strut their stuff, then perhaps some cooling jazz will deign to be part of the night.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
the world is very kaypo
and all cos i quietly removed the relationship status from my profile. STILL SINGLE OK, DON'T WORRY. SKY WON'T FALL DOWN, BIRDS WILL STILL FLY. Christine Sim wrote at 10:55pm hahahahahaha even if you really got lover this whole wall is proof of WHY YOU MUST NOT TELL ANYONE | |
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
aboot tahme fer a noo pohste.
i do not know why my title is written in a bad scottish accent, but there you go.
so i haven't blogged lately cos life has been one long scrambly ooze of friends, family and sleep. is very nice, this life. if only someone would give me oh, 10 million USD, i would be able to keep up this happy lifestyle forever. ... anyone...?
let me start from last tues, cos my memory spans only one week. tues was very nice and lazy day spent with jerrine, and i got my first pedicure! my toes now look weird and womanly. everytime i look down i get a shock, cos i am no longer scruffy. or, as scruffy. this will not last though, cos i am me. evening went to jerrine's house and screamed at chinese and japanese (KOHEI UCHIMURA 4 LYFEEEEE) male gymnasts with adeline scoffing at us from one corner.
wed was adeline's farewell lunch at tomton with the usual, with a few male guests: dwayne, abel and luke. very motley, but very nice. left them early to go run 6km with naomin (some say i'm crazy) and then a very loser night of 'mambo' ensued. i ended up eating indian food and shishaing till the wee hours of the morning with nat naomin sk and sean. laughed until dieded at shit like 'nat, when you're old, your hair will be long and white'. don't ask.
saw adeline off on thurs at airport, saw joy for a bit which was nice even though she insulted me to within an inch of my.... life la. lunch with nat etc, then money no enough 2 at night with jas whom i have not seen for a freaking yr. movie sucked. is hao gong ming movie, cos jack neo wants us all to love our mothers with a passion. he really does.
fri i was fevery and wobbly the whole day, so that sucked.
saturday (oh god this is so boring) was cell bbq at my place. it was fun, made more so by common interest in the little sports competition going on now that is the olympics. a lot of screaming over black runners. i like doing things like that. edwin and josia made me very aware of my ungirliness again though. sianzzzzz~~~~ always like that one la, my life.
sun met nao and sk for a very tiring day of... collecting marathon tickets. then grandmother's dinner over the table tennis game.
today i went for lunch with my mother and her friends and felt very uncomfortable for most of it but it was worth it cos i got free japanese food. such is the state of my destitution. in the evening, met christine jerrine to eat xo fish soup FINALLY, then rachel and luke trickled in and ended up having dessert and some colouring fun at house in dempsey. a rather nice and friend-ful and comfortable night. VERY SHIOK I LOVE IT I AM HAPPY.
ok now i should sleep cos need to run tmr cos i am... 'a fitness freak', according to jerrine. then on to meet charmaine for some good ol' complaining about life, and then shisha with luke and siyou and assorted wesleyan people. ah, plans. i like plans.
so i haven't blogged lately cos life has been one long scrambly ooze of friends, family and sleep. is very nice, this life. if only someone would give me oh, 10 million USD, i would be able to keep up this happy lifestyle forever. ... anyone...?
let me start from last tues, cos my memory spans only one week. tues was very nice and lazy day spent with jerrine, and i got my first pedicure! my toes now look weird and womanly. everytime i look down i get a shock, cos i am no longer scruffy. or, as scruffy. this will not last though, cos i am me. evening went to jerrine's house and screamed at chinese and japanese (KOHEI UCHIMURA 4 LYFEEEEE) male gymnasts with adeline scoffing at us from one corner.
wed was adeline's farewell lunch at tomton with the usual, with a few male guests: dwayne, abel and luke. very motley, but very nice. left them early to go run 6km with naomin (some say i'm crazy) and then a very loser night of 'mambo' ensued. i ended up eating indian food and shishaing till the wee hours of the morning with nat naomin sk and sean. laughed until dieded at shit like 'nat, when you're old, your hair will be long and white'. don't ask.
saw adeline off on thurs at airport, saw joy for a bit which was nice even though she insulted me to within an inch of my.... life la. lunch with nat etc, then money no enough 2 at night with jas whom i have not seen for a freaking yr. movie sucked. is hao gong ming movie, cos jack neo wants us all to love our mothers with a passion. he really does.
fri i was fevery and wobbly the whole day, so that sucked.
saturday (oh god this is so boring) was cell bbq at my place. it was fun, made more so by common interest in the little sports competition going on now that is the olympics. a lot of screaming over black runners. i like doing things like that. edwin and josia made me very aware of my ungirliness again though. sianzzzzz~~~~ always like that one la, my life.
sun met nao and sk for a very tiring day of... collecting marathon tickets. then grandmother's dinner over the table tennis game.
today i went for lunch with my mother and her friends and felt very uncomfortable for most of it but it was worth it cos i got free japanese food. such is the state of my destitution. in the evening, met christine jerrine to eat xo fish soup FINALLY, then rachel and luke trickled in and ended up having dessert and some colouring fun at house in dempsey. a rather nice and friend-ful and comfortable night. VERY SHIOK I LOVE IT I AM HAPPY.
ok now i should sleep cos need to run tmr cos i am... 'a fitness freak', according to jerrine. then on to meet charmaine for some good ol' complaining about life, and then shisha with luke and siyou and assorted wesleyan people. ah, plans. i like plans.
Monday, August 11, 2008
cambodes, finally.
Ok. if you really, REALLY want a detailed recount of my cambodia trip, please be redirected to Nat's blog, which can be found on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Thanks.
This will just be a random uploading of photos i think are... interesting. nothing expressly to do with angkor wat or local culture, just cos i don't want to spoil it with my words. also, cos i am lazy. i am a philistine, deal with it hor.

picture taken from inside ruins at Bayon. pls enlarge, thanks. i think it looks like.... a heavenly door and is very pretty. actually upon closer inspection it is quite a lousy picture but WHATEVER. LIKE IT PLS, COS I DO.


kids playing in the king's ancient pool. i like taking pictures of kids, cos they are faux arty.

on the Tonle Sap lake. i like the weird juxtaposition of green, blue and... teh tarik.

RATSSSSSSSSS. cambodians eat them. for like, fun. tsktsktsk. taken at the riverside market. my favourite part of the trip, cos no tourists at all.

at Siem Reap's pub street, on the way to Temple Club for drinks. my unsteady hand made my two very alive friends look like ghosts. i think it looks nice.

heeheehee. ignore naomin's largeass face please, and feast on the korean in the background. thanks very much. my (and nat's) source of entertainment for the night.

various 'that's life' expressions after getting caught in the rain in phnom penh. BEAUTEHS, WE ARE. BEAUTEHS.

at the royal temple, because we have so much reverence and respect for royalty, we wowed them with half-hearted, half-forgotten wrestling moves. to this day, i know not why.

i was... very happy to reach the riverfront of the city after walking through the harrowing alleyways of inner phnom penh.

nice picture of a not very nice place: the Tuol Sleng prison which used to be a school.

OK I LIED, THIS WAS IN FACT MY FAVOURITE PART OF THE TRIP. walked to find this little local gem: phnom pleung (cambodian bbq). i had beef, squid, shrimp, egg, and vegs on my own little bbq pit FOR ONLY USD4 LA WAH LAU. seoul garden can kiss my oily a**. woo.

in this picture, i am pointing to a korean flag. just because.
k that's my cambodian trip.
harharhar. fascinating stuff eh.
This will just be a random uploading of photos i think are... interesting. nothing expressly to do with angkor wat or local culture, just cos i don't want to spoil it with my words. also, cos i am lazy. i am a philistine, deal with it hor.
picture taken from inside ruins at Bayon. pls enlarge, thanks. i think it looks like.... a heavenly door and is very pretty. actually upon closer inspection it is quite a lousy picture but WHATEVER. LIKE IT PLS, COS I DO.
kids playing in the king's ancient pool. i like taking pictures of kids, cos they are faux arty.
on the Tonle Sap lake. i like the weird juxtaposition of green, blue and... teh tarik.
RATSSSSSSSSS. cambodians eat them. for like, fun. tsktsktsk. taken at the riverside market. my favourite part of the trip, cos no tourists at all.
at Siem Reap's pub street, on the way to Temple Club for drinks. my unsteady hand made my two very alive friends look like ghosts. i think it looks nice.
heeheehee. ignore naomin's largeass face please, and feast on the korean in the background. thanks very much. my (and nat's) source of entertainment for the night.
various 'that's life' expressions after getting caught in the rain in phnom penh. BEAUTEHS, WE ARE. BEAUTEHS.
at the royal temple, because we have so much reverence and respect for royalty, we wowed them with half-hearted, half-forgotten wrestling moves. to this day, i know not why.
i was... very happy to reach the riverfront of the city after walking through the harrowing alleyways of inner phnom penh.
nice picture of a not very nice place: the Tuol Sleng prison which used to be a school.
OK I LIED, THIS WAS IN FACT MY FAVOURITE PART OF THE TRIP. walked to find this little local gem: phnom pleung (cambodian bbq). i had beef, squid, shrimp, egg, and vegs on my own little bbq pit FOR ONLY USD4 LA WAH LAU. seoul garden can kiss my oily a**. woo.
in this picture, i am pointing to a korean flag. just because.
k that's my cambodian trip.
harharhar. fascinating stuff eh.
Friday, August 8, 2008
ok i should actually update on cambodia now cos i still cannot sleep. so. it was FUN ASS SHIT.
i am lazy to upload photos now but here is a little teaser. each of us found... ourselves during the six days away, and here are pictorial evidences of our essences. BEHOLD.



ok. more pics when i can be bothered to wait for bloggerbitch to upload 10 photos in as many hours. turrah!
i am lazy to upload photos now but here is a little teaser. each of us found... ourselves during the six days away, and here are pictorial evidences of our essences. BEHOLD.
ok. more pics when i can be bothered to wait for bloggerbitch to upload 10 photos in as many hours. turrah!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
angst-ridden entry. don't need to read one.
i can't remember the time when i started being afraid of life, love and living. maybe it was so long ago i relegate it to the antique era of first crushes and first tastes of alcohol. nothing has conspired to make me the stoic anti-vulnerability wreck i am today, yet it has become such a defining aspect of my personality that i know not how to rid myself of my self-imposed curse. so much self-denial, self-indulgence, double thinking whirls inside my overwrought brain that it resembles a flushed toilet, spinning inexorably one way into the indifferent dark depths of inconsequence. and now, when something has turned up to prod at the deceptively calm surface of my emotional puddle, i try everything possible to rectify the rippling effect and mentally self-flagellate incessantly and unforgivingly. yet despite my concerted efforts, i seem to come full circle: i end up tired, beaten, and slightly diminished. the puddle is still there, the ripples have disappeared, but i am smaller than before.
ok this entry very emo and nothing has actually happened to me but it's true that the nights are lonely, dark and deep. it's trueee.
also, cambodia update soonz~~~~~
ok this entry very emo and nothing has actually happened to me but it's true that the nights are lonely, dark and deep. it's trueee.
also, cambodia update soonz~~~~~
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